

Membership Fees

The Olds Municipal Library board feels that communities prosper and thrive when everyone has access to lifelong learning opportunities and materials. In an effort to achieve these goals, the library board offers free memberships to all residents of Olds and the surrounding county.

College Students Free
College students are considered residents for as long as they are attending and living in Olds regardless of permanent address. Your Olds College ID will be used as your library card. You must register in person.

Institutional Memberships $35.00
Organizations borrowing items for multiple people in one organization. (i.e. daycares, hospice programs, etc.)

Non-Resident $60.00
Patrons living outside of Parkland Regional Library boundaries.

Temporary Non-Residents $5.00/Month
Patrons with a permanent address outside the Parkland Regional Library Area that are living in Town Temporarily (i.e. Summer Workers)

Program Fees

Much like membership fees, the library board wants to ensure that all youth and children in our community have access to programming that enrich their lives and help them grow to be contributing members of our community, and lifelong readers. As a result, all programs for youth ages 0-13 will be free to attend.