Celebrate literacy with the Library!

1000 Books Before Kindergarten: Track your child's reading from the ages of 0-5 (or until the end of Kindergarten). For every sheet they fill, bring it in, and select a prize. Once you reach 1000 books, your child will receive a grand prize which includes books, toys, and gift certificate for a free library card. Track your reading year-round. 

Download your tracking sheets here. 

Hogwarts Reading Club: Track your reading and earn points for your House!

*There is no requirement to read Harry Potter or any J.K. Rowling books as part of this program. We encourage you to read whatever you like.*

The Hogwarts Reading Club will run the duration of the school year, from September 1st, 2023, to June 30th, 2024. There will be a celebration and feast in July, where the House with the most points will win the coveted House Cup (and bragging rights for the year)! Prizes will be awarded at the year-end celebration. 

Congratulations to Hufflepuff (adult group) and Slytherin (school-age group) for winning the House Cup last year! 

Sort yourself into a Hogwarts House for your reading to go towards: GryffindorHufflepuffRavenclaw, or Slytherin. If you have no preference, we will sort you at random.

Keep track of the books you read AND the number of pages in the books - the pages read will be your House points. Giving a brief review of the book(s) will get you bonus points for your House. 

There will be monthly activities, such as writing prompts, word searches, crosswords, trivia questions, etc., that participants can complete to earn additional House points. 

Report Your Reading - choose one of the following methods: 

- Fill out the form available online (for each book you read).
- Email corrie.brown@prl.ab.ca with your name, grade (or age if you are in the Adult Reading Club), House, book title, number of pages, and a review of the book (optional). 
- Write down the information and hand it in at the front desk at the library. 

Do audiobooks count? Yes, absolutely! You can look up the page count after finishing the audiobook. 

Do podcasts count? Podcasts count as well! 1 hour of podcast listening is equivalent to 100 pages read. 

Follow us on Facebook! We'll post updates on House Points, so participants can see how well their House is doing - and if they need to step it up! 

Ask about our mailing list - we'll email reminders as well as send out monthly activities and weekly trivia questions. 

Not a fan of Harry Potter? That's okay! You can still keep track of your reading and earn prizes, which include a free library card (one year membership). We will sort you at random, so that your reading can still help others competing for the House Cup! 


Hogwarts Reading Club April Poetry Month Challenge website banner

April Challenge: Poetry Month

Celebrate Poetry month by reading or writing poetry, and earn bonus points for your House!
There are a few tiers of bonus points that you can earn:

50 points: Read a poem. Any poem that you like.
500 points: Read a book of poetry. This can be any book that is written in poem format, or fictional novels written in poetry/free verse. (I can give suggestions if anyone is struggling to find something).
1000 points: Write your own poem.

To submit, send me an email with a photo of the poem, book of poetry, or your own writing. (If you are uncomfortable with your work being shared on our social media, please let me know). You can also write out the poem if you're unable to send a photo.

Restrictions: poetry must be read or written during the month of April. Anything from April 1st to 30th can be submitted. You can re-read something that you have read previously, but you must read it during the month of April.